About Lemmon IGA

Taking care of the customer since 1973
Welcome to our beautiful new Lemmon IGA store! We are so excited about our new store and look forward to meeting all our friends. First time in our brand new store? Come over and say HI!
Larry and Blondie Woolston, owners of Lemmon IGA, have been in the grocery business since 1973, buying their first store in Bridger, Montana. Since then they have owned stores in Cut Bank, Montana; Broadus, Montana; Deadwood, South Dakota; and Lemmon, South Dakota.
They have always felt their success in the business has come largely from putting the customer first and having the help of a dedicated staff, allowing them to take care of the customer better than anyone else can.
They are small town people, growing up and living in agriculturally based communities all their lives. This gives them a unique perspective into the needs of the community like Lemmon. Over the years both have received numerous awards, on the local, state and national levels, for promotions in their stores and community service organizations.
They have been active in Jaycees, Elks, Lions, Chambers of Commerce, Custer County Tourism, Montana Food Distributors Association, fire department, ambulance service, political campaigns and their church. They have held almost every office possible in most of those organizations. Blondie was Jaycee woman of the year for Montana. They both were grocerywoman and grocerymen of the year for the state of Montana and have won several "first places" in the nation for store promotions.
Our Vision
Serving the Needs of the Community
The vision for our Lemmon IGA store is to strive to make improvements that will make it an increasingly more pleasant place to shop and serve the needs of the community. By working together with our partner stores in Montana to offer better prices by making quantity purchases and passing them on to the customer, and drawing on our own experience in the business, we hope to achieve that goal.
Lemmon is a great place to work, live and do business—with a caring and dedicated staff of people who understand the community. We are proud to be involved in it.
-Â Blondie and Larry Woolston